Professional Issues

Update, Re. Bill 100: Dalhousie Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Passes Motion

From our colleagues in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at Dalhousie University, we received news of the following motion concerning Nova Scotia’s “Act Respecting Accountability and Sustainability of Universities,” otherwise known as Bill 100.  The motion reads as follows:

The Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences deeply regrets the passage of “An Act Respecting Accountability and Sustainability of Universities” because it:

  • Compromises collective bargaining rights;
  • Threatens academic freedom and the integrity of academic programs;
  • Fails to reflect adequately the contribution of universities to the economy and liberal society of Nova Scotia;
  • Does not properly recognize university governance structures and oversight mechanisms.

We therefore urge the Nova Scotia government to repeal the legislation or draft regulations that remedy these concerns.

Letters noting this motion were sent to the Premier, Minister of Labour and Advanced Education, and to local MLAs, copied to President Florizone, the Chair of Senate, and the DFA President.

This motion follows on letters sent by CAUT to all of the presidents of Nova Scotia universities, as well as several presentations made to the Law Amendments committee concerning the bill (you can see all of those submissions, including that by ACCUTE president Jason Haslam, here.

What do ACCUTE readers think of the Act and responses to it?  Please feel free to comment below.

Categories: Professional Issues

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