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CFP: Refractions: A Journal of Postcolonial Cultural Criticism (Deadline: 30 April 2022)



Refractions: A Journal of Postcolonial Cultural Criticism is a journal dedicated to interdisciplinary and experimental scholarship in postcolonial cultural studies. In physics, refraction is the phenomenon by which a wave changes its direction as it passes from one medium to another, and in the process, alters perception of that thing. As an interdisciplinary journal, we are interested in the possibilities of refraction towards developing dynamic approaches to visual, sonic, and textual media. As a journal of postcolonial thought, we are invested in refraction in relation to the project of disrupting colonial power and legacies, democratising and decolonizing methods of knowledge production and circulation, and imagining otherwise.

For our inaugural cfp, we invite responses to the title, word, implications, and resonances of refraction in the postcolonial. Please visit our cfp and guidelines for submission for details. 

Refractions aims to center voices and methodologies that have been marginalized by colonial knowledge production, notably decolonial, queer, and feminist responses to colonial epistemologies. We invite explorations of, and rumination on, the concept of refraction (and/or, its associations and implications) towards postcolonial, anticolonial, and decolonial aims. 

The deadline for submissions is April 30, 2022. Please send us your work that open new lines of inquiry into:

·       Postcolonial Cultural Studies

·       Visual cultures of postcolonial cultural studies

·       The intersections of postcolonial and sound studies

·      Decolonial futures

·      Refraction as method

·      Anticolonial archival studies and approaches

·      Refraction as theory

·      Speculative futures

·      Queer, Indigenous, and Afro-futurities

·      Experimental approaches to postcolonial literatures; ways of seeing and hearing text

·      Anticolonial, decolonial, and postcolonial frames onto contemporary media

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